projects & experiments .

Malé is a Design Researcher and Educator with expertise in Design-led Responsible Innovation, focusing on ethical implications of socio-technological systems, radical futures and other ways of knowing. She experiments using creative and co-design methods to catalyse cross-disciplinary, cross-sector collaboration and community engagement.
Specifically, she is interested in social values embedded within data systems, services and practices - inclusivity, diversity, trust, security, freedom, consent, privacy.
Malé is the Co-director of isITethical? Exchange Service and Community Platform and has developed work within the medical, disaster response and risk management domains.
She likes to play, she likes mementos and magic tokens.
Interested in topics related to: Responsible Design, Pluriversal Design, Ethics through Design, Knowledge Exchange, Ethics of Technology, Transcultural Futures, and, general crossovers between STS and Design.

Senior Lecturer in Co-Design and Knowledge Exchange
Design School, MA Service Design
UAL: London College of Communication

I'm Co-Director of IsITethical? Exchange